
Getting started

Page history last edited by Álvaro Bautista 14 years, 10 months ago

Partigi API is an Atom based REST with Oauth authorization. That means:


  • You have to sign your requests and request users authorization via Oauth protocol (specifically OAuth Core 1.0 Revision A).
  • You have to access to the resources in a REST way.
  • All the methods will return you an element or a collection of them (or an error message if the request fails). All this elements are defined as indicated by the Atom standard.


We decided to adopt these three API standards in order to make easier for developers to create applications that use the data and the methods from Partigi.


Partigi client applications


As a developer you need to create a Partigi client application at http://www.partigi.com/applications. Every application has associated a consumer key and a consumer secret, as Oauth protocol establishes. These keys allow you that an user authorizes your application to manipulate his data and to perform actions in Partigi in his name.


We distinguish between two modes of accessing the resources: read-only access and read-write access. The first mode doesn't modify the data, meanwhile the second mode creates new content, updates existing content or removes it. Obviously, this second mode requires that a user gives permission explicitly to the application consumer API.


Although in the first mode authentication shouldn't be necessary we have decided to control which application is performing requests, so every read-only request has to be signed too. To sign these requests we have decided to use Oauth consumer keys pair and the Authorization header, but without the access token. This process is explained with more details in page Partigi API Authentication.


Accessing the data


Once you have prepared your client to sign every request you can start accessing the API through the methods indicated at Partigi API Documentation. In this page you have a complete description of the different elements and methods.


You will find useful also the page with all the HTTP Response Codes and Errors.


That's all you need to start coding. Although, if the reference documentation overwhelms you, read the



Moreover, if you are a Ruby fan (as we are) you're in luck, some work has been done for you in partigirb, a ruby wrapper for the API that provides an easy way to get in touch with the API.


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