  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.


Partigi API: list_users create

Page history last edited by Álvaro Bautista 14 years, 8 months ago

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Create a list for the authenticated user, from a given list. It implies that the name of the list will be the name of the reference list.






atom, json (more about JSON responses)



HTTP Methods:



Authentication Mode:





  • list_id:  The identifier of the parten list
  • list_user_items_ids: A list of the identifiers to include in the list. The minimum number of items is 2 and the maximum 10.
  • items_type: The type of the items to include. See a list of the available item types.




If there are not errors in the request, the user list will be created successfully, and the response will be the user list in the specified format.


If there were any errors the response will be a an explanation of the error in plain text.


For more information, visit the page HTTP Response Codes and Errors


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